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Switching to dark mode reduces energy use on compatible devices by lowering screen brightness, helping to reduce your device's environmental impact. Click to discover how we’ve designed our website to align with sustainable digital practices.

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Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited

( Certification )

Toitū Carbon Reduce Organisation Logo




LIC is a farmer-owned co-operative and world leader in pasture based dairy genetics and herd management.

We exist to deliver superior genetics and technological innovation to help our shareholders sustainably farm profitable animals.

LIC is headquartered in Hamilton, with over 21 sites across NZ, Australia, UK and Ireland. With origins dating back to 1909, LIC has a long history of developing and delivering world-leading innovations for the dairy industry. This is even more relevant to farmers today given the rapid change the sector is undergoing.

The co-op is one of the sector’s biggest private investors in research and development (R&D). LIC’s commitment to R&D and new product development continues today, in line with its strategy to deliver value for its farmer shareholders.

LIC shares are listed on the NZX. To be a shareholder in LIC, you have to farm dairy cows in New Zealand, supply a New Zealand milk processor and buy a minimum amount of qualifying products and services from LIC in any one year.

As a farmer-owned co-operative, all of our profit is returned to our farmer owners/shareholders in dividends, or reinvested for new solutions, and research and development


605 Ruakura Road, Newstead, Hamilton, 3286, New Zealand

( Achievements )

Certification overview

  • Toitū Carbon Reduce Organisation Logo

    Toitū Carbon Reduce Organisation

    Toitū Carbon Reduce Organisation certification means committing to ongoing reductions while achieving annual greenhouse gas emissions measurement to ISO 14064-1 2018 standard and Toitū requirements.

    Learn more

    Certification Date Issued

    29 July 2024

    Valid Until

    31 July 2026

    Certificate Number


    Certificate Status


    Level of Assurance

    Reasonable for all categories except agricultural emissions which is limited

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