Parliamentary Counsel Office Te Tari Tohutohu Pāremata
( Certification )
The PCO is responsible for: drafting Government Bills (except Inland Revenue Bills) and much of New Zealand's secondary legislation; and publishing all Bills and Acts, and the secondary legislation drafted by the PCO, on the New Zealand Legislation (NZL) website and in hard copy. The PCO is a small office-based organisation, with approximately 110 staff. The PCO leases two floors in the Reserve Bank building, which means that the majority of our facilities and property arrangements are managed by the Reserve Bank.
Parliamentary Counsel Office, PO Box 18 070, Wellington 6160, New Zealand
( Achievements )
Certification overview
Toitū Carbon Reduce Organisation
Learn moreToitū Carbon Reduce Organisation certification means committing to ongoing reductions while achieving annual greenhouse gas emissions measurement to ISO 14064-1 2018 standard and Toitū requirements.
Certification Date Issued
30 September 2024
Valid Until
26 September 2026
Certificate Number
Certificate Status
Level of Assurance
Reasonable (category 1 & 2), Limited (remaining categories)