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Waitaki Biosciences

( Certification )

Toitū Carbon Reduce Organisation Logo




Waitaki Biosciences is the trading entity of the publicly listed company PharmaZen Ltd. Waitaki Biosciences manufacturing plant and office is located in Christchurch, employing 19 staff. Waitaki Biosciences specializes in the manufacture of nutritional supplement ingredients for the human and animal nutraceutical markets. Raw materials are predominately sourced as quality by — products of New Zealand's Export Meat and Marine aquaculture industries. These materials are converted in whole or part to powders using proprietary drying technology. Waitaki Biosciences products provide solutions to health conditions in single ingredient formats or as part of client designed formulations. Waitaki Biosciences exports 80-90% of the product to the USA, Europe and Asia Pacific. Waitaki Biosciences acknowledges that its operation will have a direct impact on the environment. Waitaki Biosciences is committed to operating as an environmentally responsible company through waste reduction and recycling, energy savings and GHG emission reduction. The company has adopted the CEMARS program to facilitate these intentions. The company will progressively reduce the overall environmental impact through a managed monitoring program that will be implemented and integrated into the company's existing Quality Management Program.


Unit 5, 13 Desi Place, Hillsborough 8022, Christchurch, New Zealand

( Achievements )

Certification overview

  • Toitū Carbon Reduce Organisation Logo

    Toitū Carbon Reduce Organisation

    Toitū Carbon Reduce Organisation certification means committing to ongoing reductions while achieving annual greenhouse gas emissions measurement to ISO 14064-1 2018 standard and Toitū requirements.

    Learn more

    Certification Date Issued

    15 October 2024

    Valid Until

    12 March 2027

    Certificate Number


    Certificate Status


    Level of Assurance

    Reasonable (all categories)

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