
Board of Directors

The Board of Directors are appointed to provide the governance framework for the company.

Board Responsibilities

  • Provide ideas, challenge and other specialist input to shape strategy and initiatives for the New Zealand and international business.
  • Assist in identifying and establishing high-level networks, access to key accounts.
  • Bring advanced expertise and knowledge to support decision-making that accelerates the company’s growth and enables it to achieve its mission.
  • Provide mentoring and expert advice to the Senior Leadership Team.
  • Report verbally to the Parent Board on developments, progress and other insights important to the business’ long-term success.

Current directors

Paul Munro (Chair)

Paul MunroPaul brings over 25 years of financial and commercial experience across a broad cross section of companies and industries including a 24-year career as a Corporate Finance Partner at Deloitte and six years as CEO of a publicly owned investment company which managed a portfolio of commercial infrastructure investments. Paul has significant experience in capital structuring and funding of infrastructure projects, investment management, strategy development and performance oversight, mergers and acquisitions, NZX listed market transactions including IPOs and debt capital market bond issues.

Paul also has over 10 years’ experience as an Independent Director with his Board experience spanning a range of entities and sectors. Paul is a current or former Director of various commercial entities including New Zealand King Salmon, Electricity Ashburton, Orion New Zealand, Online Distribution, MHV Water, Central Plains Water, and Tait Communications.

Paul is a Chartered Accountant Fellow (FCA) of Chartered Accountants Australia New Zealand (CAANZ) and a Chartered Fellow (CFInstD) of the New Zealand Institute of Directors (IoD).

James Stevenson-Wallace

MWLR CEO Headshot James Stevenson-WallaceJames Stevenson-Wallace is Chief Executive of Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research. Prior to this he served as Chief Executive of the Electricity Authority, introducing a raft of improvements to electricity markets and the regulation of industry during a sustained period of volatility. He oversaw major investigations into competition and security and introduced various reforms to secure long-term benefits for consumers and to support decarbonisation through greater deployment of renewable energy.

James is an experienced regulator and policy advisor to Government with strong ties to the natural resources sector. He has held senior leadership roles regulating land-use, and the development of forestry, fisheries, petroleum, and minerals resources at MPI and MBIE. In these roles he led various research investment programmes supporting sustainable development and the protection of endangered species and marine areas. He also has experience consulting to the private sector as a former economist at the NZ Institute of Economic Research.

He holds a Master of Public Policy from Victoria University, a Bachelor of Arts in Economics also from Victoria, and a Bachelor of Business Studies in Management from Massey University.

Kirsty Campbell

Kirsty CampbellKirsty Campbell is a commercial advisor and professional director with vast experience in corporate finance, banking, law and regulation. She has a portfolio of governance roles that include Director of Clarity Advisory, and independent director roles at Salt Funds Management Limited, New Plymouth PIF Guardians Limited amongst several others.

Kirsty is a Chartered Member of the Institute of Directors and has an Accredited Investment Fiduciary® designation.  She has a Bachelor of Law (Hons) and a post-graduate Diploma in Legal Practice, from the University of Edinburgh.

Independent Technical Advisory Panel

The independent technical advisory panel advises on issues arising from the technical and ethical requirements of operating our programmes, including impartiality, robustness, and credibility. The full panel terms of reference are available upon request.

Panel Responsibilities

  • Ensure certification services are credible and can be trusted by consumers.
  • Approve principles and policy to ensure certification services are impartial.
  • Approve technical requirements for certification.

Current panel members

Maurice Hoban (GHD) - Chair

Maurice HobanMaurice is Regional Director, Digital & Innovation, Asia Pacific at GHD. His drive and enthusiasm are fueled by the opportunity he sees to support businesses, governments and cities to be efficient, creative and innovative in the way they grow. This includes how we choose to deliver major infrastructure, being leaders in clean technology and services, thinking of our natural environment as a core asset, and using resources efficiently.

Maurice comments “this is why I believe Toitū Envirocare's programmes are important for any business, city or country wanting to gain a competitive edge in a global market.” If you want to get in contact with Maurice or find out more about what he has done, visit his LinkedIn page or

Dr Suzie Greenhalgh (Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research)

Suzie GreenhalghSuzie is a resource economist and Portfolio Leader for Supporting Business and Policy at Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research. She has over 25 years’ experience working in New Zealand, US, Australia, Caribbean and the Pacific on natural resource issues, policy and decision making processes, including areas related to water, climate change, biodiversity and ecosystem services.

While Suzie was at the World Resources Institute she was part of the GHG Protocol Initiative team that developed GHG accounting and reporting protocols for GHG reduction projects. Since being in New Zealand, Suzie has developed regional GHG accounts as well as product footprints for wine and pip-fruit, and led the development of the data collection and quantification standards and guidance for the GHG Protocol Initiatives Product Lifecycle Accounting and Reporting Standard.

Jenny Lackey (NZ Green Investment Finance Limited)

Jenny Lackey, EECAJenny Lackey is Head of Communications and Government Relations for NZ Green Investment Finance Limited, a new green investment bank established by the government to mobilise private capital for investment that addresses NZ’s emissions.

She is responsible for communications, engagement, public relations, media and policy. She has a background in strategy, government relations, and programme design.

Lucy Tyndall (Ministry for the Environment)

Lucy TyndallLucy is a Senior Advisor at the Ministry for the Environment. She’s responsible for MFE’s corporate emissions measuring and reporting, and involved in cross-government initiatives related to sustainability programming. She also leads partnerships that will help achieve innovative, and systemic change for environmental outcomes.

She has previous experience in energy policy with the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, project management, social enterprise, and international humanitarian relief.