Austin Hansell
Become a climate leader | Earn the carbon mark
16 November 2023
10:00am - 11:00am

the event
This insightful 30-minute webinar will empower you to take positive steps towards making a difference and influencing impactful change. Discover how making continual improvements to your businesses climate performance can positively impact other areas of your organisation and support us on our journey to mitigate global temperature rising.
During this webinar, you will:
- Understand the significance of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, why it's important to be informed about this target, and the future implications of reaching or exceeding it.
- Learn how aligning with international standards and best practices empowers your business to take credible climate action while supporting strong business activities.
- Discover how focussing on implementing and actioning decarbonisation strategies will result in benefits for your business.
- Explore how Toitū Envirocare can play a role in guiding positive change for your business that will enhance future prospects.
Take a positive step towards a sustainable future and explore the opportunities that Toitū has to offer.
Webinar presenter

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