Toitū Envirocare supports a large number of agencies in measuring and verifying their greenhouse gas emissions. We provide dedicated technical support with account managers who know the Carbon Neutral Government Programme (CNGP) and public sector.
The CNGP was launched in December 2020 and has been set up to accelerate the reduction of emissions within the public sector. The programme aims to make a number of organisations carbon neutral from 2025.
CNGP participants are being asked to:
- measure, verify, and report their emissions annually
- set gross emissions reduction targets and long-term reduction plans
- introduce a plan to reduce their organisation’s emissions
- offset remaining gross emissions from 2025 to achieve carbon neutrality
To help organisations within the public sector prepare, we have developed a framework that you can download now to make sure your annual report meets CNGP requirements.
Download Now
There are three organisations responsible for managing the programme across the government:
- the Ministry for the Environment (MfE)
- the Energy Efficiency & Conservation Authority (EECA)
- the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE)
Toitū Envirocare is proud to be a preferred CNGP supplier, assisting agencies with their greenhouse gas emissions measurement and verification. Toitū’s certification schemes - Toitū carbonreduce, Toitū net carbonzero and Toitū Climate Positive - are accredited by the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS ANZ) and under ISO 14065. Our verification services provide assurance against ISO14064-1:2018, the recommended international standard to follow for reporting agencies’ greenhouse gas inventories under the CNGP.
Toitū Envirocare provides CNGP clients with one-on-one technical advice and further support with webinars, explainers and guidance documents to meet the requirements of ISO14064-1:2018, our programmes, and the CNGP.
If your interested in learning more or need assistance with your carbon footprint, contact us.
Please note - this guide has been developed as a mock annual report for the Carbon Neutral Government Programme (CNGP) using a fictional agency and made-up data. This is not official CNGP guidance - please refer to the reporting requirements in the CNGP guidance document on page 9-10 and any Treasury advice for official requirements.