Media Release
13 December 2021
7 organisations recognised as winners for reducing their carbon footprint and minimising environmental impacts.

Toitū Envirocare recognises its top performing clients with the Toitū Brighter Future Awards. These awards symbolise Toitū Envirocare’s values underpinned by best-practice and science-based sustainability expertise, along with a belief in a brighter, more sustainable future.
Toitū Envirocare Chief Executive Becky Lloyd says the COVID-19 pandemic came with many challenges, but it also brought attention to how businesses can continue to thrive despite being compelled to lower their operational footprint. “We want to continue the sustainability dialogue and encourage businesses to innovate to lock-in these carbon emission reductions. It’s imperative as we continue along our sustainability journey and help Aotearoa achieve its goal of net zero emissions by 2050.”
The Toitū Brighter Future Awards feature 11 award categories recognising businesses for excellence in climate action and environmental management. The performance criteria are largely objective and data based. Exceptions to this are the Environmental Management Award and the Sustainability Champion awards which were judged by a panel of auditors, environmental experts and senior leaders at Toitū Envirocare.
Award Winners
Toitū Brighter Future Award for Climate Action (small organisation)
Criteria: With a carbon footprint of less than 200 tCO2e, organisations in this category must have been certified for at least 2 years (as of June 2021) and have achieved a reduction in absolute total emissions (all scopes, tCO2e). From there, performance is judged on greatest percentage change (i.e., closest to zero).
Winner: Dove Medical Press
- Toitū carbonzero certified
- Rreduced 87% of its operational emissions since achieving certification in 2011
- New Zealand Local Government Funding Agency
- Kantar Insights NZ
- Energy and Technical Services
- Maggie Marilyn
Toitū Brighter Future Award for Climate Action (medium organisation)
Criteria: With a carbon footprint between 200-5,000 tCO2e, the organisations in this category must have been certified for at least 2 years (as of June 2021) and have achieved a reduction in absolute total emissions (all scopes, tCO2e). From there, performance is judged on greatest percentage change (i.e., closest to zero)
Winner – KPMG New Zealand
- Toitū carbonreduce certified organisation
- Reduced 67% of its operational emissions since achieving certification in 2020
- Chapman Tripp
- AMP New Zealand
- Warren and Mahoney
- Jarden Group
Toitū Brighter Future Award for Climate Action (large organisation)
Criteria: With a carbon footprint between 5,000-50,000 tCO2e, organisations in this category must have been certified for at least 2 years (as of June 2021) and have achieved a reduction in absolute total emissions (all scopes, tCO2e). From there, performance is based on greatest percentage change (i.e., closest to zero).
Winner – Counties Manukau Health
- Toitū carbonreduce certified organisation
- Reduced 42% of its operational emissions since achieving certification in 2012
- Fletcher Steel
- Auckland District Health Board
- Kathmandu
- Nelson City Council
Toitū Brighter Future Award for Climate Action (+50k organisation)
Criteria: With a carbon footprint over 50,000 tCO2e, the organisations in this category must have been certified for at least 2 years (as of June 2021) and have achieved a reduction in absolute total emissions (all scopes, tCO2e). From there, performance is judged on greatest percentage change (i.e., closest to zero).
Winner – Silver Fern Farms
- Toitū carbonreduce certified organisation
- Reduced 19% of its operational emissions since achieving certification in 2019
- Frucor Suntory
- MOVe Logistics Group
- Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu and Ngāi Tahu Holdings
- Auckland Transport
Toitū Brighter Future Award for Climate Action (product footprint)
Criteria: The products must have been certified for at least 2 years (as of June 2021) and have achieved a reduction in product carbon intensity. Winners are based on the greatest percentage change (i.e., closest to zero) based on the product footprint intensity (kgCO2e/FU).
Winner: Snowberry New Zealand
- Toitū carbonzero certified products
- Reduced 68% of its product lifecycle emissions since achieving product certification in 2010
Finalist: Ecotricity
Toitū Brighter Future Award for Climate Action (international organisation)
Criteria: A Toitū certified organisation outside New Zealand that must have been certified for at least 2 years (as of June 2021) and have achieved a reduction on absolute total emissions (all scopes, tCO2e). From there, performance is based on greatest percentage change (i.e., closest to zero).
Winner: Achilles Information Limited, UK
- Toitū carbonreduce certified organisation
- Reduced 57% of its operational emissions since achieving certification in 2012
- Tahbilk Winery, Australia
- OCS Group, Australia
- Copec S.A., Chile
- Mercedes me, Australia
Toitū Brighter Future Award for Climate Action (international product footprint)
Criteria: The products must have been certified for at least 2 years (as of June 2021) and have achieved a reduction in product carbon intensity). Winners are based on the greatest percent change (i.e., closest to zero) based on the product footprint intensity (kgCO2e/FU).
Winner: Tahbilk Winery, Australia
- Toitū carbonzero certified products
- Reduced 29% of its product lifecycle emissions since achieving product certification in 2014
Toitū Brighter Future Award for Climate Action (Top Reducer: volume)
Criteria: Organisation of any size that has reduced the largest quantity of emissions (i.e., largest number of tonnes reduced).
Winner: Silver Fern Farms
- Toitū carbonreduce certified organisation
- Reduced 23,382.39 tonnes CO2e of carbon emissions since 2019, the same as the average emissions caused by nearly 1,200 New Zealand households
- Auckland District Health Board
- Fletcher Steel
- Canterbury District Health Board
- Counties Manukau Health
Toitū Brighter Future Award for Climate Action (Top Reducer: closest to zero)
Criteria: Organisation of any size that has furthest in reducing to absolute zero emissions (i.e., largest percent change).
Winner: Dove Medical Press
- Toitū carbonzero certified
- Reduced 87% of its operational footprint since getting certified in 2011
- New Zealand Local Government Funding Agency
- Kantar Insights NZ
- Energy and Technical Services
- Maggie Marilyn
Toitū Brighter Future Award for Environmental Management
Criteria: Organisations in this category must have been certified for at least 3 years and hold a minimum of gold level Toitū enviromark certification. This category is about demonstrating exceptional achievement through public demonstration of its EMS (Environmental Management System), high performance in audits and showing incremental improvements in environmental outcomes.
Winner: Toyota Financial Services
- Conducted several in-house projects to reduce carbon emissions and positively influence staff, suppliers, and customers.
- Converted 80% of their client interactions to digital platforms resulting in lower paper consumption
- Toitū Envirocare auditors were impressed by the robustness and functioning of the Environmental Management System.
- Five Star Products
- Isthmus Group
Sustainability Champion Award
Criteria: A member of the Toitū Envirocare Team who has gone above and beyond to help New Zealand businesses decarbonise. This person exemplifies Toitū Envirocare’s values of Gold-standard, best practice sustainability expertise.
WINNER: Stewart McKenzie, Senior Advisor at Toitū Envirocare
Toitū Envirocare congratulates all winners and finalists of the Toitū Brighter Future Awards.
“We are very proud of our clients and the work they do to reduce their environmental impact. Toitū Envirocare celebrates these leading organisations, with hope that it inspires other New Zealand businesses to follow suit and take action,” adds Becky.
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