We're delighted to announce a new partnership between Toitū Envirocare (formerly Enviro-Mark Solutions) and Tourism Industry Aotearoa, which will help tourism operators measure, manage and reduce their climate and environmental impacts.Tourism is New Zealand's biggest export earner and contributes $16.2 billion to the economy (NZ's foreign exchange earnings in year ended March 2018). The industry is looking to a more sustainable future, and our new partnership means that tourism operators will have the tools to be able to action to minimise their impacts.

The new partnership will see TIA members new to the Toitū enviromark, Toitū carbonreduce or Toitū carbonzero certification programmes benefit from a reduced fee.

Toitū Envirocare will also support TIA and TRENZ, New Zealand’s biggest annual international tourism showcase, to achieve Toitū carbonzero certification. TRENZ is managed by TIA on behalf of the Tourism Industry New Zealand Trust.Our GM Sales & Marketing, Josephine Rudkin-Binks, says “You can’t manage what you don’t measure. Having a robust baseline measurement is essential to be able to track and reduce emissions. Certification then helps you communicate to your stakeholders and provides proof of your success,” Josephine says. “We are really excited to partner with TIA. We look forward to helping the industry step up and adopt international best practice which is so important to the planet and New Zealand’s low carbon future.”

TIA Chief Executive Chris Roberts says the partnership with Toitū Envirocare is exciting for TIA and the 1200 tourism operators who have signed up to the New Zealand Tourism Sustainability Commitment.“Along with our members, TIA is on the journey to becoming more sustainable. The TSC promotes economic, community, visitor and environmental sustainability, and Toitū Envirocare will be able to help our industry achieve the TSC’s environmental goals,” Mr Roberts says.

Toitū Envirocare is proud to be working with leading tourism businesses to measure, manage and mitigate their impact on climate change.