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About this website

Our dark mode toggle isn’t only about aesthetics—it’s about impact.

Switching to dark mode reduces energy use on compatible devices by lowering screen brightness, helping to reduce your device's environmental impact. Click to discover how we’ve designed our website to align with sustainable digital practices.

Thoughtful choices for a better digital future.

Argosy Property Limited

( Certification )

Toitū Net Carbon Zero Organisation Logo



Real Estate

Argosy Property Limited is a publicly listed New Zealand company. Under Argosy Property No.1 Limited and Argosy Property Management Limited, we own and manage a portfolio of industrial, office, and retail properties which are leased to tenants.

We understand that the way in which we engage with, and impact on, our stakeholders is critical to the continued sustainable success of our business and firmly believe that a focus on sustainability can yield better company performance.

Our Aspirational Goals:

  • We have an Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Framework that underpins our aspirational environmental goals. We will strive to obtain independent energy efficiency rating on all of our office buildings by 2022.
  • We will collect energy consumption data (electricity, water and gas) on all of our buildings.
  • We will develop a waste management plan which will be incorporated into all major projects

Ultimately, Argosy is about creating a sustainable business and incrementally adding value, by owning and responsibly managing the right assets in the right locations.


39 Market Place, Auckland 1010, New Zealand

( Achievements )

Certification overview

  • Toitū Net Carbon Zero Organisation Logo

    Toitū Net Carbon Zero Organisation

    Toitū Net Carbon Zero Organisation certification means committing to ongoing reductions while achieving annual greenhouse gas emissions measurement to ISO 14064-1 2018 standard and Toitū requirements, with compensation for minimum boundary.

    Learn more

    Certification Date Issued

    09 May 2024

    Valid Until

    28 April 2026

    Certificate Number


    Certificate Status


    Level of Assurance

    Reasonable except category 4 purchased goods & services which are limited

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