Gibbons Holdings Ltd
( Certification )
Real Estate
Gibbons Holdings Limited is a third-generation family-owned, Nelson-based property investment and development company, with interests in three main sectors—bulk retail, industrial, and commercial— the majority of which are in the Nelson/Tasman region, but also include a shopping precinct in Auckland and a medical education facility in Palmerston North. Additionally, Gibbons has over 3,100 hectares of commercial forestry, as well as a private Class 5 cleanfill landfill, and a sub-leased quarry, all under Gibbons Forestry Limited, and a residential subdivision in Nelson under Bishopdale Developments Limited. Gibbons has 16 full-time employees. All divisions of Gibbons Holdings Limited have been included in this carbon inventory for the first time.
19 Parere Street, Nelson, 7010 | New Zealand
Certification disclosure
Gibbons Holdings Ltd: Summary of Toitū Carbon Reduce Organisation Certification 2024( Achievements )
Certification overview
Toitū Carbon Reduce Organisation
Learn moreToitū Carbon Reduce Organisation certification means committing to ongoing reductions while achieving annual greenhouse gas emissions measurement to ISO 14064-1 2018 standard and Toitū requirements.
Certification Date Issued
27 June 2024
Valid Until
27 June 2027
Certificate Number
Certificate Status
Level of Assurance
Reasonable (category 1 & 2), Limited (remaining categories)