Hauhungaroa 1c Incorporation (Rangiatea Station)
( Certification )
Rangiatea Station is around 4328ha in a long, narrow strip that runs from the Lake shore up to the top of the catchment and over into a neighbouring catchment. Its management committee takes a holistic view of caring for the land and people as well as the Lake. To achieve this, they are looking at ways of making the maximum sustainable profits using environmentally friendly farming policies.
Rangiatea Station, 6204 State Highway 32, Waihaha, 3381
( Achievements )
Certification overview
Toitū Net Carbon Zero Farm
Learn moreToitū Carbon Reduce Farm certification recognises achieving annual greenhouse gas emissions measurement to ISO 14064-1:2018 standard and Toitū requirements. Reductions are committed to and actively achieved, while compensating for minimum boundary.
Certification Date Issued
20 May 2024
Valid Until
03 February 2026
Certificate Number
Certificate Status
Level of Assurance
Limited (all categories)