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Maritime New Zealand

( Certification )

Toitū Carbon Reduce Organisation Logo




Maritime NZ, Nō te rere moana Aotearoa, is a regulator that exercises kaitiakitanga over the maritime domain, supporting our oceans and waterways to be safe, secure, clean and sustainable. Our unique role means we have the responsibility to lead by example to model authentic leadership to be trusted and influential.

Our vision is: Preventing harm. Saving lives. Securing our future.

We provide services that enable and support the maritime sector to contribute to an efficient and resilient transport system. Maritime NZ is governed by a Board appointed by the Minister of Transport under the Maritime Transport Act 1994. Established in 1993, Maritime NZ is one of four Crown entities monitored by the Ministry of Transport and is part of the wider transport sector ‘family’ of agencies.

We currently have approximately 400 full time equivalent staff located throughout NZ. This includes in our national office in Wellington, four regional hubs in Auckland, Tauranga, Nelson and Christchurch, five satellite offices and two operational response centres of the Rescue Coordination Centre New Zealand in Lower Hutt and Marine Pollution Response Service in Auckland.

Maritime NZ has three organisational environmental sustainability goals which guide our strategic approach and culture towards sustainability which are that we are an environmentally:

  • sustainable workforce;
  • sustainable workplace; and
  • sustainability influencer

Our participation in Toitū’s Carbon Reduce programme is a further, and public, embodiment of our commitment. Formal certification provides an additional opportunity for Maritime NZ to work together internally and with its stakeholders, to give greater effect to existing initiatives and to inspire new ideas for improvement. We have been measuring and reporting our GHG emissions for several years with financial year 2019/20 as our base year period.


Maritime NZ, Level 11/1 Grey Street, Wellington 6011, New Zealand

( Achievements )

Certification overview

  • Toitū Carbon Reduce Organisation Logo

    Toitū Carbon Reduce Organisation

    Toitū Carbon Reduce Organisation certification means committing to ongoing reductions while achieving annual greenhouse gas emissions measurement to ISO 14064-1 2018 standard and Toitū requirements.

    Learn more

    Certification Date Issued

    17 October 2024

    Valid Until

    27 October 2026

    Certificate Number


    Certificate Status


    Level of Assurance

    Reasonable (all mandatory scopes of programme)

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