The University of Auckland
( Certification )
The University of Auckland was founded in 1883 as a constituent college of the University of New Zealand. Under the University of Auckland Act 1961, the college became an autonomous university. The University is administered under the 1961 Act and the Education Act 1989 and it's amendments.
The University’s governing body is the Council, which comprises elected staff and students; a member appointed to advise on Māori issues; a member appointed from the alumni; Council appointees; and Ministerial appointees. The Vice-Chancellor is also a member of Council. Council is chaired by the Chancellor, who is a lay member of Council.
Under the Education Act 1989, Council has the following functions:
- Appoint a chief executive
- Carry out long-term planning for the University
- Adopt the Investment Plan
- Ensure that the institution is managed in accordance with the Investment Plan
- Determine the policies of the institution in relation to the carrying out of the Investment Plan and, subject to the State Sector Act 1988, the management of its affairs.
In 2021, the University had 36,748 Equivalent Full Time Students (EFTS) and 5,986 Full Time Equivalent Staff (FTE), occupied 119 premises in New Zealand, 84 of which are owned by the University. The principal activities of the University and AUL are the provision of teaching and research services.
22 Princes Street, Auckland, 1010, New Zealand
Certification disclosure
University of Auckland: Summary of Toitū Carbon Reduce Organisation Certification 2024( Achievements )
Certification overview
Toitū Carbon Reduce Organisation
Learn moreToitū Carbon Reduce Organisation certification means committing to ongoing reductions while achieving annual greenhouse gas emissions measurement to ISO 14064-1 2018 standard and Toitū requirements.
Certification Date Issued
16 October 2024
Valid Until
16 October 2027
Certificate Number
Certificate Status
Level of Assurance
Reasonable & Limited (see category breakdown)