Waka Kotahi | New Zealand Transport Agency
( Certification )
NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) is a Crown entity governed by a statutory board. Under the Land Transport Management Act 2003, our primary objective is to contribute to an effective, efficient and safe land transport system in the public interest.
The Chief Executive of NZTA reports to the NZTA Board. The Board has seven members and is appointed by the Minister of Transport. Our governance framework is established under the Land Transport Management Act 2003 and Crown Entities Act 2004.
NZTA employs nearly 2830 FTE's across Aotearoa, as at 30 June 2024. For the financial year to 30 June 2024 NZTA reported total operating revenue of $5,844 million, and operating expenses of $6,060 million.
Our system outcomes and strategic direction remains unchanged from last year’s report. Our NZTA Statement of Intent outlines our four system outcomes, which are safe, environmentally sustainable, effectively and efficiently moving people and freight, and meeting current and future needs.
NZTA has a vision of better connecting people, places and products for a thriving Aotearoa. We continue to implement our strategic direction, Te kāpehu – our compass. This sets the direction for what we want to achieve as an organisation, how we will go about this, and why we are here. We have agreed four priorities that channel our energies in what we do. These four strategic priorities are our Kāhui whetū (our guiding stars):
- Pou herenga tangata – Culture and leadership: We have a highly engaged one NZTA culture built on great leadership and teams, shared values and effective partnerships.
- Eke panuku – Delivery excellence: We are focused on delivering our core business, do that exceptionally well and strive to continually improve.
- Pae tawhiti -Future focus: Our research, innovative thinking, strategy, policy and long-term planning sets a course to a safe, sustainable and efficient land transport system.
- Auahatanga – Accelerating digital: We will use digital and data capabilities to enable our future transport vision, transform our operations and provide better partner, user and employee experiences.
Levels 5 - 6, and part level 4, AMP Centre, Auckland 1010, New Zealand
( Achievements )
Certification overview
Toitū Carbon Reduce Organisation
Learn moreToitū Carbon Reduce Organisation certification means committing to ongoing reductions while achieving annual greenhouse gas emissions measurement to ISO 14064-1 2018 standard and Toitū requirements.
Certification Date Issued
27 August 2024
Valid Until
31 August 2026
Certificate Number
Certificate Status
Level of Assurance
Limited (all categories)