Wakatū Incorporation and Kono General Partner Limited
( Certification )
Wakatū Incorporation (Wakatū) is a Māori Incorporation pursuant to Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993. Based in Whakatū (Nelson), Aotearoa New Zealand, Wakatū has approximately 4,000 shareholders who are those families who descend from the customary Māori land owners of the Nelson, Tasman and Golden Bay Regions – Te Tauihu.
Wakatū operates in accordance with its 500-year intergenerational vision - Te Pae Tawhiti. Te Pae Tawhiti is its guiding document, which sets the standards against which Wakatū assess its performance, actions, and decisions. It is a declaration of the fundamental values, common goals and guiding objectives of Wakatū to ensure success and create a strong identity now and in the future. At the heart of Te Pae Tawhiti is the overarching purpose of Wakatū which is to preserve and enhance its taonga for the benefit of current and future generations.
Wakatū is based in Nelson, operates across Te Tauihu and exports globally. Whenua is the foundation of our business with 70% of assets held in whenua (land) and waterspace. We manage a diverse portfolio from vineyards, orchards to residential properties, large retail developments, office buildings, marine farms and waterspace. Kono is our food and beverage business focused on high quality beverages, fruit bars, seafood products, pipfruit and hops. Kono exports its products to over 35 countries worldwide. AuOra is that part of our organisation which is focused on innovation, particularly new ingredients, new products and new business and service models. Manaaki provides services to support the prosperity and wellbeing of our whānau including running a range of initiatives and programmes to connect, engage and develop capability across all generations of our families.
As a Māori-owned business, the kaupapa of Wakatū is to grow a sustainable economic base that enables whānau to achieve and maintain spiritual, environmental, social, and cultural well-being. Integral to this is the responsibility to manage our commercial activities in a way that ensures the health and wellbeing of our whenua, wai and people.
Toitū te marae a Tāne, Toitū te marae a Tangaroa, Toitū te Iwi
When the realm of Tāne and the domain of Tangaroa are sustained, so too is the future of the iwi
Wakatu House, 28 Montgomery Square, Nelson 7010
( Achievements )
Certification overview
Toitū Carbon Reduce Organisation
Learn moreToitū Carbon Reduce Organisation certification means committing to ongoing reductions while achieving annual greenhouse gas emissions measurement to ISO 14064-1 2018 standard and Toitū requirements.
Certification Date Issued
17 January 2025
Valid Until
21 November 2025
Certificate Number
Certificate Status
Level of Assurance
Reasonable & Limited