As a plant-based packaging company, Ecoware is transforming how we reduce our waste and environment footprint in our daily lives. Over the past 10 years, it has swapped out 1.4 billion packaging pieces for its compostable alternatives. That is a substantial pile of plastic and other waste that is no longer destined for landfills around Aotearoa. With sustainability at its core, our Toitū carbon programmes were the natural choice.

Ecoware co-founders Alex Magaraggia (L) and James Calver (R). Source: Ecoware.
“We have been working towards being a climate positive company since our inception 10 years ago. We’ve achieved this by looking at every element of the supply chain critically and striving to make business decisions which best align with this long-term goal – this includes being zero waste, not just carbonzero.” - James Calver, co-founder of Ecoware.
Toitū carbonzero since 2013, now climate positive
Ecoware was the first packaging company in Aotearoa to achieve Toitū carbonzero certification in 2013. It is now the first organisation in our nation to achieve climate positive certification. Its emissions reduction targets are aligned with the latest science and it now offsets more than its footprint through carbon credits. In addition, it is having a positive impact on our society through its support of Ka Ora Ka Ako, where it not only provides the compostable packaging for the healthy lunch programme (over 8 million lunches a year) but educates students on waste reduction.

Ecoware Packaging Made From Plants (Credit: Ecoware)
Initiatives to date
- In 2013, Ecoware achieved Toitū carbonzero certification from Toitū Envirocare
- In 2021, it became the first organisation to upgrade to Toitū climate positive certification
- Supplied cardboard and bamboo compost bins to 73 customer venues
- Connected customers with local organic waste collectors and compost facilities via its Compost Collect programme
- Ecoware educates its full value chain on how to reduce emissions through better packaging choices and correct disposal
Planned initiatives for the future
Piggybacking off its work with Ka Ora Ka Ako, Ecoware has successfully initiated a composting programme in schools and intends to roll it out nationwide. This programme involves educating pupils on the environmental benefits of composting and how best to dispose of compostable waste, whether that be food scraps or packaging. The practical application will see composting bins provided to schools, with the waste then sent to commercial facilities for processing. The end result will be reduced landfill emissions and more compost available for soil enrichment and our crops.
Toitū climate positive organisation certification
Toitū climate positive certification is proof an organisation is taking science-led, meaningful climate action for a decarbonised future. To achieve Toitū climate positive certification, an organisation measures all operational greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions required under the international standard for carbon footprints, ISO 14064-1, including vehicles, business travel, fuel and electricity, paper, and waste. The organisation also screens its full value chain emissions as well, from suppliers to customers. The organisation has science-aligned reduction targets for direct and indirect emissions, and must demonstrate reductions on a three-year cycle. Each year, the inventory is independently verified and any unavoidable emissions that year are offset through the purchase of quality carbon credits to go beyond neutrality for 125% compensation. The organisation further contributes to positive impacts beyond their value chain equivalent to a further 75% compensation.