07 Nov 2019

Enviro-Mark Solutions is now called Toitū Envirocare

Posted in: Toitū Together

Enviro-Mark Solutions is now called

Toitū Envirocare

Lincoln, 7 November 2019: Marking a significant milestone in its growth, New Zealand’s leading environmental certification provider, Enviro-Mark Solutions, is embracing its new identity as Toitū Envirocare.

Toitu Envirocare Company Logo

Toitu Envirocare Brand Identity

The new organisation name and refreshed brand identity signals Toitū Envirocare’s commitment to play a key role in inspiring New Zealand organisations to step up their efforts to reduce their environmental impact and contribute to meeting our collective carbon emission reduction targets.

Dr Ann Smith, Toitū Envirocare Chief Executive, says: “Our new brand positions our company to achieve maximum impact for New Zealand. It reflects the evolution in our services from carbon measurement and offsetting, to  helping businesses to transition to a sustainable low carbon economy.”

Toitū is translated as ‘to actively sustain’ and was inspired by the whakatauki toitū te whenua, toitū te mana, toitū te mauri ora (hold fast to our land, hold fast to our pride, hold fast to all living things). It contains within it the concept of accountability, and connecting individual actions to achieve collective outcomes.

The Toitū Envirocare identity was conceived in consultation with various stakeholders, including Toitū Envirocare clients, team members, governance and representatives from the Māori business and academic community.

The new brand identity and streamlined brand architecture will deliver significant improvements for Toitū Envirocare and its member family, including:

  • The cohesive identity across the Toitū Envirocare logo and certification marks, as well as colour and image use, will result in greater brand market presence and stronger brand recall
  • A more obvious link with Toitū Envirocare’s parent company, Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research and its shared focus on regeneration and biodiversity

Toitu Envirocare, carbonzero, carbonreduce and Enviro Marks

Taking the name Toitū Envirocare is our challenge and responsibility to strive for sustainable outcomes guided by the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and continually learning from the wisdom of matauranga Māori.

Manaaki Whenua’s General Manager - Māori Partnerships, Holden Hohaia, played a critical role in the development of the Toitū Envirocare brand.

"The process of developing Toitū Envirocare has bought our subsidiary closer to its parent Manaaki Whenua and honours that shared purpose of a thriving and sustainable future Aotearoa, a future in which we all play our part to help restore the mauri – the life force – of the land and environment,” says Holden Hohaia.

Toitu Envirocare’s new identity takes effect on 7 November with a planned gradual transition of certification mark use with currently certified Toitū carbonzeroCertTM, Toitū carbonreduce (formerly called CEMARS®) and Toitū enviromark organisations and products.

Dr Ann Smith is excited for what what the future holds for Toitū Envirocare.

“The establishment of Toitū Envirocare takes our certification services from best practice in carbon reporting and environmental management to a new level aligned with the principles of the Paris Agreement. With our new stronger and more accessible narrative, we intend to help even more New Zealand businesses work together for the benefit of our economy and our atmosphere.”

Toitū Envirocare


For more information, contact:

Nadine France
Marketing and Communications Manager
Toitū Envirocare
nadine.france@toitu.co.nz | +64 27 227 3297