Celebrating excellence at the SBN Awards
What a night at the NZI Sustainable Business Network Awards last week! Our team of six was among a crowd of 680, representing the ethos of sustainable business action in New Zealand. Minister of the Environment David Parker, Minister of Conservation Eugenie Sage, Minister of Youth Peeni Henare and Auckland Mayor Phil Goff were some of the many notable personalities in attendance.
Left to right: Dr Ann Smith (Chief Executive, Enviro-Mark Solutions); Karen Fifield (Chief Executive, Wellington Zoo); Josephine Rudkin-Binks (GM Marketing & Sales, Enviro-Mark Solutions); Rachel Brown (Chief Executive, Sustainable Business Network)
Like each of the 15 years before, the night was about celebrating excellence in sustainability and recognising individuals and organisations that have gone above and beyond. In support of this initiative, Enviro-Mark Solutions sponsored the Sustainability Superstar Award this year.
We hosted a round of pre-drinks as congratulations for our clients who were named finalists for the awards. “We’ve got eleven clients that are finalists this year and we’re seeing this number grow each year”, said Josephine Rudkin-Binks, our GM Sales and Marketing.
“These are the top-end of the people who are acting in this space. We’re really proud of our clients and they’re doing great stuff”, added Steve Dixon, our GM Strategy and Partnerships.
We were delighted to see our clients represented in ten of the twelve award categories. Auckland Whale and Dolphin Safari (Enviro-Mark certified) took home the ‘Restoring Nature’ award, while Auckland DHB (CEMARS certified) and Sudima Hotels (carboNZero certified), Waste Management NZ (carboNZero certified), and solarcity New Zealand (carboNZero certified) were highly commended in their categories.
Click here for the full list of finalists, and here for the winners and commendations.